Jun 3Liked by Rebecca Stevens Alder

I understand the issue. I read for free. And I benefit. But I cannot afford to purchase subscriptions from all I want/need to read. I think newspaper and magazines were great in giving us information while paying for content from a variety of sources and points of view. Substack seems to try to gain that back but it’s too clearly outside of the economy. I’m a library user and treat Substack as if it were a component of a library. Perhaps we need a “magazine” of Substack. I pay for a block of writers choosing who I want. But then maybe getting samples from others? Maybe reselecting every so often?

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Hi Sharyl, great idea about creating a magazine, I like that a lot. As I shared in the piece, if you can’t afford my work, I understand.

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Great points, Sharyl. I simply cannot afford individual subscriptions for all the authors I enjoy reading.

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Jun 3Liked by Rebecca Stevens Alder

As for me I pretty much read and look forward to reading your articles everyday. Most of them resonate with me because I used to work in the corporate industry. Not making excuses but I have not worked in over 6-years. I’m unable to get employment in the legal industry because I got “blacklisted” for speaking up (and did not realize that was a consequence). However I would do it again. Remaining silent does not help anyone. I would gladly pay for a subscription when I get paid work because I think it’s worth it.

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I appreciate your support for my work Beverley. I can fully relate to your experience too because I’m currently going through the same thing. I shared in the piece that I understand if one cannot afford to pay for my work, I really do. I have a tough time with those who can afford it but don’t.

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I am disabled with no income. Living off savings that I worked hard for. I have loved your articles and Substack. Over the last year I was able to get two subscriptions because the authors offered a sale and I treated myself. I now feel guilty for reading your work and others. Maybe Substack is only for rich people? Maybe I should just be uninformed? Why not, I am not worth anything as a disabled person and definitely not if maga takes over. I am sorry that I have been part of the problem. I thought I was helping.

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Just a thought as I sit here crying and feeling like shit, maybe you should restrict your writing behind a paywall, full or partial, like others instead of making people feel bad for reading your work. I am so sorry I picked this article to read.

And yes, they are white tears. I unsubscribed since I am not wanted in this space. Irony, huh?

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As I said in this piece, I understand those who cannot afford a subscription. My message is to those who can but don’t want to. That’s a serious distinction. It’s important that you don’t make this about you.

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I write about affordable housing. I have not written much this much this month because my service dog died. I write for free because people who need affordable housing don't need another bil. I pay for your substack because I value your insite.

I did not lean equality growing up. My parents were high school drop outs who could not keep the lights on. You dealt with racism until you got home, but knew you parents loved you and I expect never missed a meal.

That was my childhood. I want to support your writing. I tell my friends about your writing. Are you in this only for the money? To become more wealthy than you already are?

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Jun 3Liked by Rebecca Stevens Alder

I'm also a paid subscriber. As a brown person from a different cultural background, who has experienced much outcasting and discrimination in the U.S. (mostly cultural stigmatizing), I very much value and appreciate Rebecca's work. But because of the reasons I've already stated, in terms of employment I have not been fortunate enough to find lucrative, well remunerated work. One thing I wish Rebecca would do more is to be more interactive with her paid subscribers. I've asked questions before which never received an answer. But even though my experience has been different, she's one of the few people that really resonate with some of what I've gone through.

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Dear Auras, thanks a lot for reading my work and sorry you’ve felt that I haven’t interacted more. For my paid subscribers, I offer the possibility of reaching out directly to me to discuss my articles and experiences. Many of them do so regularly. I sometimes don’t get to answer every question/comment under my posts in a timely manner.

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I am not sure what to think but I will say that appreciate your viewpoints. I have read / liked 2-3 of your articles since “coming across your writing “ here in substack.

I appreciate that you are writing about the importance topic of racism rather than the proverbial “low hanging fruit “ of all things tRump , all the time, which some writers are doing.

I wonder what they might write about if / when tRump is gone?

I appreciate that you have not locked out comments by a paywall. Yet?

So… Why haven’t I started financially supporting you yet? My personal viewpoint is that, first of all , relatively speaking we just “ met”. I am reading what you write while contemplating financial support. If you would prefer I can unsubscribe so you don’t feel like I am one of many “ free loading” ie taking advantage of you but that might not make you feel less appreciated .

As I say I am not sure what to think about your concern regarding a fair recompense .

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I decided that I would become a paid subscriber because of what you wrote, but I disagree. I haven’t been paying for other people’s work either, which is mostly health related, not related to racism, so there’s that. I am a public servant and my employer does not pay well. I also have a mother who needs me to pay part of her rent. However, I am not living in poverty so I upgraded to a paid subscription.

Based on other people’s comments, I think it’s not as black and white as you insinuated in your article. Yes, some people flat out can’t afford the subscription, but many people fall somewhere in between. I don’t believe that they are part of the systemic racism problem if they continue to read your material for free

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Hi Lori, there’s an important point I make in the article - my challenge is with those who can afford a paid subscription but do not support this content. My intention wasn’t to offend anyone with my article but it seems like some have taken so much offense to it and are centering themselves in this debate. That in itself is very telling, and my question to this group is: why do you feel so offended by this piece? What bothers you so much about the points that I’m making?

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I’ve been really upset from your article and have been off Substack since then. I came back on today to unsubscribe from all of the readers I “mooch off” of. I will tell you why I was offended. I am struggling in many areas of my life and reading Substack articles helped me to be informed and not as isolated. It brought joy and connection. Then you said as a non paying white person, that I was part of the problem. It just really sucked and made me feel small for not being able to pay. And yes you did say about those that can afford, but by whose rules? Because I have savings, i can’t get financial help, so I must be rich and able to pay, even if the savings is what I have the rest of my life to live on. Technically I have money now right, so it’s wrong to read and not pay. This is the moral quandary you have put upon people already suffering. I’ve thought about this a lot and the shame stings. One last thing, at least for me was that my lack of payment had nothing to do with race, but being poor and disabled. I was reading hundreds of other authors and not paying them. Being called a racist because I am poor is not fair.

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Also, I think it’s telling that you can’t seem to understand why your words would be so hurtful to the people who have been following you, hitting like on every article and sharing them in lieu of the money. You wonder how the reader could center themselves in the debate, but your article told us to! We are the problem, according to you. Ok, need to go unsubscribe and lose another safe space but I don’t want to be a racist or a freeloader.

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In my article, I clearly state that I understand those who cannot afford a subscription. Somehow, you willfully ignore that point and I wonder why. My article isn’t directed at you, yet you take so much offense to it. If anything, please re-read the article and reflect on it. Ask yourself why you have taken so much offense to someone asking those that can afford it, to pay $5 for 20 articles a month - so basically 25 cents per article. I’d be sad to lose you as a subscriber but if you don’t want to understand the point I am trying to make, there is really nothing I can do.

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I think you should stop blaming readers who are obviously hurt by your words. I’ve re read your article a lot. Have you? I think you are overestimating how clear you think you are being for low income folks.

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I am not willfully ignoring your one sentence saying you understand those who can’t pay. The whole rest of the article is focused on white people who don’t pay. You acknowledge in the article that your views may be unpopular, but they were also hurtful to struggling people just trying to get by and stay informed and connected. I technically can eat less and pay more to Substack. Is that the reality you want?

If I was a good anti racist, I would put that loaf of bread back and pay you. But because I got the bread, I should be shamed. That’s what I took from it and your follow up comments reinforce that. Hey, who doesn’t have twenty five cents, right?

Maybe it’s white guilt, or just my silly cpstd or other traumas, but I don’t feel welcome on Substack now and it’s been so painful. I assume now that every other writer feels the same way about me. I thought liking and sharing was what us poor folks could do but apparently only cold hard cash is valued, otherwise I’m a racist. Do you not see how hurtful that is?

I want you to be compensated, I truly, truly do. Your unwillingness to see how your words could be hurtful to a group of already struggling people, is hard to take. being called a racist when my lack of payment had absolutely nothing to do with race has been hurtful and I do not see how I am wrong for feeling that or being offended.

It’s not in my best interest to engage further. I hope to spend another few therapy sessions dealing with it and I really hope I am the only one hurting from the article.

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Hi Rebecca. Personally, I’m not offended by your article. I was using myself as an example to illustrate that the reasons why some people aren’t paying for subscriptions is complex and complicated. I’m not bothered by the point you are making, but I did ponder your point and I do have my own thoughts about it, and felt they were valid. I do not need to be bothered by something to have thoughts about it. I believe that all things can be considered.

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I agree that all things can be considered too.

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I couldn’t remember if I was a paid subscriber ..there is a check mark saying I’m a subscriber..if I’m not, let me know please Rebecca!

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