Micro-aggression can be so traumatic and affect our day to day lives. I was once told “ooh your head is not as thought as other black peoples hair”. “Your more friendlier than other black people” and the list goes on. Great advice at the end just be kind. Think about what your saying before you say it.

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I think that there are millions of people walking around with unprocessed trauma from microaggressions. We shouldn’t be surprised at the mounting numbers of depression and suicide. Microaggressions can kill🥲🥲

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😭😭🥹🥹😔😔. Things definitely need to change.

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“You speak better English than I do!” (Well hey, why not) is another form of micro-aggression indicating that as a Black woman, I shouldn’t be able to articulate myself better than a yht person! If only people could really hear themselves.

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I’ve heard that one so much too. You’re so right, people should listen to themselves.

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I had #1 thrown in my face yesterday, and because I didn’t express how ignorant I found the encounter, comment and incident, I am (sill) nauseated by anger.

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I’m so sorry you went through this. Sending you a big, caring hug. I hope that person meets their karma for micro-aggressing you.

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Receiving my hug and thanking you kindly!

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These are so awful! I totally relate to that first one. It hasn't happened recently, thank the Lord! But I used to get, "You're so articulate for an Arab!" and "You're one of the good ones (referring to other Muslims)" all the time. My sister had a teacher in high school social studies teacher who took every opportunity to talk about how barbaric and abusive Muslim men were. When she spoke up that his statements weren't based in any fact and pointed out that our family treated all equally, his response was "oh but your family is influenced by Canadian culture, you're not a valid example". It was truly infuriating. He never suffered consequences or got reprimanded and went on teaching for years.

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And this is why these microaggressions continue. People are rarely ever punished for uttering and doing them. It is so damn infuriating. So sorry this happened to you.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Rebecca S.

Again, thank you.

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Microagressions are agressions, period.

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