Diary Of  A Black Woman In A White World
Who Cares About What A Black Woman Thinks?
Did You Know That The Congo Rainforest Provides Clean Air To The Planet?

Did You Know That The Congo Rainforest Provides Clean Air To The Planet?

And this is why we need to save it before it's too late
Guillaume Kalongi, Climate Activist, The Democratic Republic of Congo

The main objective of my newsletter is to bring you diverse, unique voices and perspectives that you don’t usually have access to in the Western media.

Listen to Guillaume Kalongi, a renowned Climate Activist in the Democratic Republic of Congo provide deep insights about how global warming is affecting his country and the world and why we need billions of climate activists!

If you would like to contribute to Guillaume’s work, please reach out to him at: Guillaumeklnj@gmail.com.

If you have learned something, please consider taking out a paid subscription to allow me to continue to bring you these important perspectives.

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Diary Of  A Black Woman In A White World
Who Cares About What A Black Woman Thinks?
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Rebecca S.